Saturday 30 April 2016

Death of Mozilla

Death of Mozilla

David Briddock asks if open-source stalwart Mozilla is about to self-destruct

Mozilla has been around since the dawn of the web. Over the years, it's made an invaluable contribution to the open-source movement in terms of projects, products and funding support.

However, as it celebrates its 18th birthday Mozilla's future looks uncertain. It has decided to forgo its primary funding stream, terminated its high-profile smartphone initiative and now appears to be veering off in a brand new direction.

What's really going on at Mozilla?

Top 10 Calendar Tips

The Windows 10 Calendar has steadily improved since it was first seen and is now a useful tool. Roland Waddilove list his top 10 tips

1 Enable The Live Tile

This is the simplest tip of all, but it is one of the most useful. The Windows 10 Start menu contains tiles for starting apps, but they can also show live content. Right click the Calendar tile on the Start menu and select More, Turn live tile on. Then right click it and select Resize, Large so there is room to display events from your Calendar. It shows today's appointments and it means you can see what it coming up without even opening the Calendar app.

Has Amazon Cleaned Up Its Act?

Has Amazon Cleaned Up Its Act?

Avoiding tax, mistreating workers, pricing competitors out of the market... Amazon's been criticised for a lot over the last few years. Sarah Dobbs checks in to see if things are getting better

Remember when Amazon was just a site for buying books more cheaply than you could in 'real world' bookshops? Now it seems to have taken over almost every aspect of commerce - it sells everything you could ever want, with next day delivery and a super slick checkout that almost completely removes the pain of handing over your money. It's got its fingers in plenty of other pies too, from its own publishing platform, electronics, film studio, and so, so much more.

Mod Your Old Computer

Mod Your Old Computer

David Crookes looks at how you can give a retro machine a brand new lease of life

We are constantly discarding the old in the pursuit of the new. A new phone comes out and suddenly the last one is old news, even though it's worked perfectly well for the past year and probably will into the next decade. A new update appears on the computer, and scores of us decide to upgrade for no reason other than the  fact that it's there and we're curious. Developers of numerous websites from Facebook to Twitter make tweaks just to refresh things, usually leading to an outcry about an icon or something, but then we carry on as normal again.